As Entertainment Manager the aim of the planned activity is to make children enjoy they stay on the cruise for one hour every day and give parents some relaxed time while on board.
The target group is for children between 8-12 years old.
The type of venue needed is a gym or hall for sports activities and a children pool. The basic resources will be basket balls, foot balls, skipping ropes, goals, whistles, walk talkies, buckets, life jackets and ropes.
The timescale is before lunch because they are full of energy and these activities will let them reasonably tired.
The staffs needed per activity are 5 people because each activity will last for 10 minutes.
Health and safety issue to have into consideration are:
Children became injured, so we need to make sure that the area is clean and keep out of obstacles to avoid children fall over. The staffs have to be fully CBR check and with the appropriate certificate to take care of children also with First Aid Qualification.
The budget for this entertainment is low, must of the resource are on board and the others are low cost: skipping rope, goals, balls and whistles.
· Quality of performance. It is important because depend on it the success of the entertainment. If it is not good enough no one will likes it and they just get bored and disappointed.
· Performance skills. The people who are performing or participating in the activity must be good in what they are doing, be fair and have the capacity of deliver their job without prejudgments.
· Skills of support staff. Sometimes our mates could be doing and activity which at the end of the day is more chaotic that it looked before we started and we need to have the ability of see it, in order to deliver as a group a better or good entertainment. Every piece makes the whole activity work.
· Timing. In this activity is crucial is all about that. It is important to follow the schedules first to start and finish on time and second to be fare with every team, so all are judges under the same rules and criteria.
· Weather. In this case the weather is not that important because we have an indoor pool and the gym or hall is covered. Does not affect the activity we can deliver it anyway.
· Resources. We need the materials and tools before the setting up of the activity, otherwise is not going to be possible perform the majority of the entertainment.
Measuring success: how important are the following factors if you wanted to measure the success of your activity?
1. Audience reaction. It is very important to monitoring if children are having fun or viewers, just in case we need to improve the activity: increasing the difficulty or decreasing the intensity if it is too difficult in order to make it more enjoyable.
2. Keeping within budget. If we exceed the budget often the profitability will be reduced and probably the entertainment will have to be suspended or replaced. The expenditure must to be proportional to the benefit not exceed it. It is not worthy.
3. Keeping to timings. Every entertainment on board is connected, if we are running late keeping children longer than we need they could miss another on-board activity. Running late cost more damage to the company’s image.
4. Achieving objectives. This means that the activity was a complete success and that we can expand it and enhances it adding more time, new activities or more budget to make it even funnier.
5. Generating revenue. Indirectly, this could happen if parents use this free time to shopping or spend some money at the restaurant, bar, spa or other secondary services during that slot period.
6. Customer feedback. Essential to know what they like and what went wrong. Our job is make sure that clients have fun and enjoy a great time so is crucial to know if we are doing a good job.
The activity is going to be a flag quiz, testing the students’ knowledge on various countries flags which is ideal as it is for level 1 & 2 travel and tourism students. We are going to show 20 different flags on the board and students have to write the name of the country which the flag belongs to.
The aim of our activity is to entertain the group of students and also test the students group of knowledge of countries and their flags.
Target Group:
Our activity is targeted at the level 1 and 2 travel and tourism students.
Type of Venue:
We are going to conduct our activity in a classroom that has normal tables and chairs.
The resources we are going to need in order to successfully conduct our activity is:
Our activity will need to have around 10 minutes setting up time and will take around 20 minutes to run from start to finish so a total of roughly 30-40 minutes.
There will be 4 people in our group in total and 1 member of staff present.
Health and Safety:
The health and safety issues we have to take into consideration are if people have allergies to any of the refreshments provided and if any drinks are to spill- drinks should be kept away from electrical equipment.
The budget for our activity is low. We are going to put £2 each so a total of £8.
There could be addressed some gaps in the performance as such introduction to the entertainment activity and presentation of the team members. Considering all this furthermore adding what I think we could do to improve our TASTE TEST competition, my recommendations are:
· Before start the activity or making the introduction make sure that the contestants are all settled and ready to listen the instructions (allow some minutes to grab their attention). Once they are fully listening to you proceed to the introduction and THE RULES of the competition, very important point and also you gain some minutes.
· After that we could follow the presentation of the team members indicating each one is role and speak with a CLEAR and LOUD enough tone of voice. Other options would be as I though a batch, sticker or paper attached with a pin with our names and probably position held.
· The welcoming could be more enthusiastic; in general the entire event more involving, energetic, interacting more with the participants, ask them more question or their opinions like “How does it taste?” “It seems you did not enjoy that one” “Are you ready for the drinks?” Engage more with them will make it even funnier and at the same time, you use more minutes to meet the time target instead of worrying about being the activity too sorts.
· We could improve our background presentation and adjust it with the time and events or probably have someone moving the slides. It could be done if we had an agenda with the timing for instance: 15:00 welcome guests; 15:05 start introduction, 15:07 starting competition, 15:20 end of tasting… Never, things happen as you planned but doing that you have a roughly idea about how are you doing and give you chances to slow down or going faster gradually.
· The prizes for the winner team it did not be less than the raffle winner, so the chocolates will have to be three for each member of the winner team plus the sweets or have three small bottles of wine. In addition, I will probably give something to those who could not participate in the raffle because of their age (chocolate bar to share). To avoid that you have to think about everything, any possibility, plan ahead or take other people’s suggestion.
More teamwork and communication within the team improve results and performances. Rehearsals and planning ahead helps you find gaps in your provisions. Deliver the activity with positive energy, enthusiasm and do not forget the main purpose, entertain. Write an agenda help you organise your time peacefully. Being good improvising can take you to the success of your activity. Give prizes according to proportion of activity; the prize for the main activity should be better that the prize for the secondary activity. Have a raffle always give others chance to win something not only the winning team. Notwithstanding, I really enjoy the activity and had fun, at the end everyone could contribute a little bit of ourselves. Someone could have the idea but the rest of the team can improve it, make it better if you are open to share the plan and count with his or her opinions, at the end of all everyone wants to win.
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